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Phasing Empty Phasing

Post by ZeroRien Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:52 am

Skill Name

Skill Description
Phasing is the ability to move through objects and eventually through space itself. It starts off as a ghosting technique and finishes off as a portal technique.

  • When first learning this skill, the basis to grab is being able to go through objects as if they were not there. At first manipulation is limited, but as one becomes better at it, it allows one to eventually open portals to move through space rather than just solid objects. It becomes a form of teleportation as it closes in on mastery, but in the beginning stages, it simply starts with phasing.

    Complexity LevelsAbility
    1Hand Phasing, 5 seconds
    2Full Arm Phasing, 10 seconds
    3Full Body Phasing 10 seconds
    4Full Body Phasing, 15 seconds
    5Small Portal (hand only)
    6Medium Portal (arm only)
    7Bag Portal (Infinite Storage Unit)
    8Full Body Portal
    9Multiple Full Body Portal
    10Outer Planar Living Space

  • It is not possible to reach within someone’s body to pull someone’s heart out. If a hand is stuck within a body after the time period, the hand is ejected out of the body and the user is pushed back a meter.
  • Usage of the skill is rather normal and the portals can only fit through something of similar size of the portal. If it cannot be placed within the portal’s radius size, it is bounded by the portal walls so that it cannot go through.
  • Each Storage Unit and Planar Living Space is separate and each person who uses the skill has their own unique and secluded location. No one can access these places with the exception of the owner.
  • If someone is stuck while moving through something, they are ejected all the way back to where they came from instantly. The further in they are of the wall, the further they are thrown back.
  • The user is only able to use Phasing a number of two times in a row before they must have a cooldown of 5 posts. The user cannot phase through places that have barriers of any kind, as they are not solid objects.
  • Energy expenditure is twice the normal amount of skills. If a Complexity Level 10 teleportation is used, it will take up 20 Energy Level.

Learning Curve:
    Phasing is deemed dangerous and illegal, however practitioners are quite common within the Thieves’ Guild. The reason it is illegal is because it makes thievery way too easy. The learning curve is high as control of your body’s ability to phase is a precise technique and only few can master such a feat. The ability to phase and eventually make portals require great bodily control so the Council has deemed this type of magic illegal.

Warning Level :
Phasing Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Phasing Right_bar_bleue

Posts : 18
Join date : 2013-02-01
Age : 33

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Phasing Empty Re: Phasing

Post by Demi Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:48 am

I literally only have one thing to say about this: amazing ^^

However, make it known that I added if a person is to phase, while they can't be hit by physical/weapon attacks; they can be hit by magic. Also, due to the Complexity Levels you must choose, you will have only a limited amount of energy to work with.

Otherwise, it is accepted.

Head of Spera

Warning Level :
Phasing Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Phasing Right_bar_bleue

Posts : 355
Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 28
Location : Outer Heavens


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